A economical and efficient option for groups.
Vanpools are a comfortable, cost-effective, and a convenient way for groups (typically 4-13 people) to share their ride to work. Vanpools reduce stress, help the environment, and save you money. If you have a longer commute (typically 20+ miles), vanpooling is a great option.
Vanpool passengers share the costs between the members, and participants may take on driving or coordination duties for a discount on their share of the costs. The most common vanpool arrangements are coordinated through public programs, or third party vendors that provide services to employers or individual commuters. Join a vanpool and make your commute better and more convenient by sharing the cost.
Get There Oregon is a secure, easy-to-use online ride-matching tool that matches you with nearby people going your way for work and play. Start a vanpool today by registering at GetThereOregon.org
Thanks to the Oregon Department of Transportation, SMART offers commuters coming in and out of Wilsonville a $500 per van/per month subsidy to help start more vanpools. Email SMART for more information at Vanpool@RideSMART.com